Saturday, March 14, 2009

Super Powers

Did you ever wish you had a super power? I know I do. It would be neat to be like those witches from the television show Charmed. To be able to orb to wherever you wanted, whenever you wanted to would be cool. It would save a lot of money on gas too. Or to have the power to freeze time would be useful. Then on those days when you have more stuff to do than time to do it, you could just freeze time and accomplish everything you needed to. This would have been a handy power to have when I was a teenager. I remember when I would come home, and my grandma would ask me what I had been up to, knowing it was no good. I could have just froze time right there and thought of some good story. Instead she got lame ramblings that usually fell apart as I said them. I do not think the power to move stuff with my mind would be good for me. I would be really lazy. Instead of getting up to get a drink, I would just bring the drink to me. Or whenever I lost the remote to the television (which happens a lot) I would change the channel with my mind. I think I would gain a lot of weight with this power. Although, now that I think about it, I guess I could use it to make myself exercise. I could just think of leg lifts and suddenly be doing them. Now the power of premonition would be fun. I could use it to win the lottery. I think the best power would be mind control. That way when my boyfriend was torturing me with racing on television I could just will him to change the channel or give me the remote. I would make him do stuff my way, since I always think my way is better anyway. Ya, having a super power would be really cool. What power would you want?


  1. You are almost bordering on a supervillian with your misuse of powers. Manipulating people? I am shocked! Okay, not really. I'd go to every party and get lucky every time with my mind control powers. That's why I can't control peoples minds. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Now the powers I would like to have are either super strength, flight, or instant healing.

    The first two are obvious, but I would like to instantly heal because I'm tired of being sick during the winter. I would also want it because I could not die. The cells constantly heal and I would never grow old. I'd be as good looking as I am now, for a long time. I could always get into fights and not worry about being in a lot of pain for long, or even broken bones. I could actually toughen up a bit. I think instant healing would be the best power I could get.

  2. Your blog is very funny! I like the mind power bit. To be able to will your boyfriend to turn off racing. If I could have a super power I don't know exactly what I would want it to be. At this current moment it would be to have my boyfriend be quiet. He is on the phone with his friend,and being very loud. Sometimes I think he acts like a teenage girl with his phone calls. I don't know what that power would consist of.

  3. I think the idea of "freezing" time would be cool. I might accomplish more during the day than I would have if the clock kept ticking. "Super power" is a great idea too; I could will my husband to put the television on something other than "racing" or "football" depending on the season. I amd with yah all the way on this idea! Have a great Spring Break!

  4. My fiance always says that the only super power anyone would need is the ability to stop time. His reasoning behind this is that if you can stop time then you don't need to fly or be super strong because you have an infinate amount of time to go somewhere or lift a heavy object. Super powers would be amazing. Let me know if you figure out how to get them =)

  5. I can't get the links to work the way they should! But a funny blog!

    K. Smith
    Eng. 226
